You have a chance to make you community a cleaner and therefore safer place for our children and for yourself by being part of the Clean Up, Fix Up and Conserve the Environment Day.
This will happen on Sunday the 4th of March at 10.30am and the meeting point will be Wyndham Vale Community Learning Center, we will all meet in the foyer for a brief introduction and then head out on a pre-planned route to pick up rubbish, this is part of Clean Up Australia Day.
Once we have finished we will all go back to the Wyndham Vale Community Learning Centre for a BBQ Lunch, as a club I would ask that all members of Kaizen Martial Arts Australia Wyndham Vale Dojo support this effort as it will help us all live in a cleaner, better looking community.
Thank you again to all the parents and all the children that are part of making our martial arts club so successful.
You can sign up at or Phone (03) 8734 89 34 for further details
P.S. The address for our meeting just in case is 86 Manor Lakes Blvd, Wyndham Vale, VIC 3024
Sensei Garry